Monday, August 13, 2012

90 Day Challenge Day 25 - 0.2lbs and 1.75" lost

Good Morning! All I can say is every little bit counts!

My body has not been wanting to let go of pounds but I am still losing inches. I know it is discouraging when you hit a plateau and nothing seems to budge. In the past I would have thrown up my hands and said well this is just the way I am suppose to be but I am  not going to do that. It will only lead to the scale going up and I don't want that for sure. I must persevere to receive my blessing in this trial!

To help me on this journey I have been reading "Made to Crave Devotional" by Lysa TerKeurst and today was about "Blessings Ahead" and the Thought of the Day was "Between any trial and the blessing that comes from that trial, there is a pathway I must walk - that pathway is perseverance." What a perfect thought for anyone who is in a plateau mode! The only way to receive that blessing at the end is to persevere, push forward to the prize. To do anything else would just be moving backwards to go through the trial even longer.

I love what my devotion said today - "I have finally realized making lasting changes is a process. There are no quick fixes. There will be good days and bad days. But, most importantly, I've realized this isn't as much about losing weight as it is gaining truth - the truth of who I am in Christ and how I am made for more than this constant, self-defeating struggle." Made to Crave Devotional

I encourage you to push through with perseverance and to not allow a plateau to push you backward. The prize is ahead and a blessing you will receive. We were made for more! We were made for victory!

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